This year was a surprisingly nice 4th of July. We usually like to get out of town but with a baby 1 week old we stayed pretty close to home. We went for a drive in the mountains - a little barfing from Abe in the car didn't get us down. We went for a walk to some falls and threw rocks into water and dipped our heads and feet.
In the evening we had dinner in Culver City and we let Abe bring his little car to drive around before we watched fireworks from the Baldwin Hills.
So luckily we had a little party for Abe the weekend before his actual b-day (and before his brother arrived). It was pretty casual, but had all of Abe's favorite things. Trains, fruit, friends, pizza, balls. I can't believe he is already 2!
Abe really likes shopping if stores are playing music he can hear from the door. This was about the 6th store that had music he liked and he still had it in him to get down.